Husk Husk is a music duo working between Brussels (BE), London (UK) and Rome (IT). Husk Husk’s music involves intricate sampling, elaborate (melodic) polyrhythms, raw analogue sound synthesis, and experimental manipulation of recordings of acoustic instruments.

Husk Husk frequently collaborates with acclaimed contemporary dance choreographer Sung Im Her (London, UK / Seoul, KR).

Husk Husk’s music has been performed live at the Victoria & Albert Museum (London, UK) and the ARKO Arts Theater (Seoul, KR), and featured during performances at The Place (London, UK), KVS (Brussels, BE) and Platform-L (Seoul, KR). Recently, Husk Husk also exhibited their first experimental sound installation at the art gallery ‘Ex Elettrofonica’ (Rome, IT).

Photo by Lena Ramzani