W.A.Y (re-work)


The Guardian - ★★★★

“[The piece] has a curiously retro feel, reworking the minimalism of Lucinda Childs or Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker. [...] It’s a pleasure!”

“Her’s cast-iron rigour nails the piece as her own, not a pastiche of someone else’s, and [...] the choreographic structure is taut and strong.”

“The piece strides purposefully towards its thrashing, ecstatic finale. [...] What a trip!”


W.A.Y (re-work) explores the tension between our need for individuality and our longing to belong to something bigger than ourselves. Uncompromisingly intense, both for the dancers and the viewer, the work cycles through a myriad of psychological and social geometries, illustrating our uncertainty and fear, but also joy and sense of growth when addressing this tension in our lives.

Direction and choreography: Sung Im Her
Dance performance: Iris Chan, Martha Gardner, Yanki Yau and Sung Im Her
Music composition and production: Husk Husk

Support: Korean Arts Council (KR)
Residencies: Needcompany (BE), Cambridge Junction (UK) and Winchester University (UK)

Premiere: 17th and 18th of September 2021, The Place, London (UK)

All tour dates can be found here.