The I of the Beholder


In The I of the Beholder, Sung Im Her seeks to dance without the awareness of a perceiving audience, thereby trying ‘to show’ without the necessity to ‘be seen’. Her intention is to transcend everyday self-perception, typically mediated through others, and to discover whether in this way a more truthful sense of ‘I’ reveals itself or that the ‘I’ becomes meaningless and empty.


Direction: Husk Husk (Stephan) and Sung Im Her
Choreography and dance performance: Sung Im Her
Music composition, production and live rendition: Husk Husk

Support: Victoria & Albert Museum (UK) and Arts Council England (UK)
Residencies: Needcompany (BE)

Premiere: 28th of February 2020, Victoria & Albert Museum, London (UK)

All tour dates can be found here.